Friday, January 25, 2013

Sundance Film Festival, Friday (1/25), Post 5

  The filmmakers of Fruitvale at the Windrider Forum, 2013.

This morning at the Windrider Forum we had the chance to interact with the filmmakers of Blood Brother (Hoover, 2013), a documentary about one Christian's recent endeavor to help children infected with HIV in India, and the outstanding filmmakers of Fruitvale, which I blogged about yesterday -- definitely go and see it.

In the early afternoon we also saw Citizen Koch (Deal and Lessin, 2013), which deals with getting corporate spending by the likes of AFP out of our current political landscape by showing the events surrounding the attempt to recall Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. Highlights, among others, included endearing Louisiana governor and congressman Buddy Roemer's effort to get into the media limelight during his 2012 presidential campaign, and a Christian woman's decision to vote Democrat for the first time upon realizing that Republican Scott Walker is failing his constituents. Certainly, as the filmmakers point out, the issue of money in politics is bigger than both political parties.

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Being at Sundance is this special place where -- I'm already taking it for granted -- one just expects to be able to see directors, producers, actors, actresses, and cinematographers... before and after the screenings, hear their stories and responses to audience questions, shake their hands. So much talent, hope, desperation, entertainment, laughter, money ...dreams.

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